Offline Holy Bible in the updated version of John Ferreira de Almeida (JFA), free!
- Fully Offline (works without internet)
- List of favorite verses
- Copy verses
- Share verses
- Works on phones and tablets
- Increase and / or decrease the font size of the verses.
- Night mode for reading
- Search by keywords
- Continue reading where you left off
- Reading screen always on while reading
- Read a random chapter whenever you want
If you encounter any problems, in the text or app, let us know so we can review and correct it.
- Fully Offline (works without internet)
- List of favorite verses
- Copy verses
- Share verses
- Works on phones and tablets
- Increase and / or decrease the font size of the verses.
- Night mode for reading
- Search by keywords
- Continue reading where you left off
- Reading screen always on while reading
- Read a random chapter whenever you want
If you encounter any problems, in the text or app, let us know so we can review and correct it.
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