Maulid Simtudduror Apk Melodious clear text and audio from Syarifah Nafidatul Jannah Ba'abud.
Scholar's Commentary on Simthud Durar
Maulid Simthud Durar received a lot of praise from scholars because of its meaning, one of which was from the author of the book Syarah Simthid Durar.
Amen ِيْمَةُ وَالْأَخْلَاقُ الْكَرِيْمَةُ، أَظُنُّهَا خُصُوْصِيَاتٍ أُخْتُصَّ بِهَا الْمُتَأَخِّر ُوْنَ
It means, "Indeed your great birthday (Simthud Durar) stands out for people of the end of time, in it there are (explanations) of the great qualities (Rasulullah), and noble morals. I think that (Simthud Durar) is a specialty that is only devoted to society in the recent era” (Sayyid Ahmad bin Ali bin Alawi al-Habsyi, Syarah Simthid Durar fi Akhbar Maulidi Khairil Basyar wama Lahu min AkhlaqI wa Aushaf wa Siyar, p. 390) .
Not only that, according to Habib Ali, Simthud Durar is like rain where it is not known where the blessing lies. Likewise with him, all the readings from the beginning, middle, and end are indistinguishable, all of which have great noble value. Therefore, the readings contained in it cannot be determined where the glory and majesty and blessings are located.
In addition to text and audio, the melodious voice of Syarifah Nafidatul Jannah Ba'abud is complemented by several currently trending prayers, such as:
Al Aqlu
Al Hijrotu
Mahallul Qiyam
and so forth
let's download now and get the blessing.
Scholar's Commentary on Simthud Durar
Maulid Simthud Durar received a lot of praise from scholars because of its meaning, one of which was from the author of the book Syarah Simthid Durar.
Amen ِيْمَةُ وَالْأَخْلَاقُ الْكَرِيْمَةُ، أَظُنُّهَا خُصُوْصِيَاتٍ أُخْتُصَّ بِهَا الْمُتَأَخِّر ُوْنَ
It means, "Indeed your great birthday (Simthud Durar) stands out for people of the end of time, in it there are (explanations) of the great qualities (Rasulullah), and noble morals. I think that (Simthud Durar) is a specialty that is only devoted to society in the recent era” (Sayyid Ahmad bin Ali bin Alawi al-Habsyi, Syarah Simthid Durar fi Akhbar Maulidi Khairil Basyar wama Lahu min AkhlaqI wa Aushaf wa Siyar, p. 390) .
Not only that, according to Habib Ali, Simthud Durar is like rain where it is not known where the blessing lies. Likewise with him, all the readings from the beginning, middle, and end are indistinguishable, all of which have great noble value. Therefore, the readings contained in it cannot be determined where the glory and majesty and blessings are located.
In addition to text and audio, the melodious voice of Syarifah Nafidatul Jannah Ba'abud is complemented by several currently trending prayers, such as:
Al Aqlu
Al Hijrotu
Mahallul Qiyam
and so forth
let's download now and get the blessing.
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