Our application contains the benefits of basil seeds, the harm of basil seeds, the method of basil seed juice, the benefits of basil seeds for hair, and the benefits of basil seeds for the womb. It has the effect of garlic benefits in the treatment of hemorrhoids and has a high ability to rid the body of health problems, diarrhea, fever, colon disease and many diseases that it is exposed to because every medicine has a medicine. In the manufacture of natural recipes because it contains allicin acid, which works as an antibiotic that protects the body from exposure to bacterial infections or even viruses and microbes, and it is from herbal medicine and it is a concern and the characteristics of medication with natural herbs. Its effect on the jinn, as the basil is used to neutralize the effect of magic inside the body and the removal of the lover jinn and demons from the body. Basil drink harms the jinn especially for people with magic, eye, touch and envy. It also has the benefits of basil for slimming and the benefits of basil for weight loss and slimming, as basil enters in the composition of different foods.
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