Abdominal gas and flatulence is a phenomenon that affects most people if not all people or the majority of people are transferred. The diet is the main cause of abdominal gases and for the treatment of abdominal gases and flatulence there is a dietary and preventive system and another treatment. We show in the application a set of gases by combating flatulence and mentioning the cause of flatulence and causes of flatulence and problems of flatulence to treat abdominal gases and solve the problem of flatulence and flatulence by knowing the symptoms of flatulence and mentioning the cause of flatulence in the stomach and from it the causes of flatulence and Explanation of the abdominal gases for a pregnant woman and what are the causes of flatulence. In this application, we present the causes of abdominal gases with some to treat abdominal sounds and methods of treating gases. Bloating
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