with Alfabeto Patrimonio you always carry your bank with you. The simple and complete app to be used in total comfort.
With the Heritage Alphabet app you can:
- have an immediate and complete view of your balance sheet and your investments, with a view of product categories, asset classes, currency exposure and risk;
- analyze your investments with different levels of detail, from the portfolio to the single product;
- view the progress of your position with advanced graphical views over different time horizons;
-sign your Private Banker's investment proposals, with your fingerprint or facial recognition;
- consult the reporting of your investments and the documents sent to your Private Bankers.
The services and functions on the app are available within the limits and under the conditions set out in the existing contracts with Fideuram S.p.a./Sanpaolo Invest SIM.
Accessibility statement:
https://group.intesasanpaolo.com/it/dichiarazione-accessibilita/dichiarazione-accessibilita- ALbetpatrimonio-android
With the Heritage Alphabet app you can:
- have an immediate and complete view of your balance sheet and your investments, with a view of product categories, asset classes, currency exposure and risk;
- analyze your investments with different levels of detail, from the portfolio to the single product;
- view the progress of your position with advanced graphical views over different time horizons;
-sign your Private Banker's investment proposals, with your fingerprint or facial recognition;
- consult the reporting of your investments and the documents sent to your Private Bankers.
The services and functions on the app are available within the limits and under the conditions set out in the existing contracts with Fideuram S.p.a./Sanpaolo Invest SIM.
Accessibility statement:
https://group.intesasanpaolo.com/it/dichiarazione-accessibilita/dichiarazione-accessibilita- ALbetpatrimonio-android
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