Find out about the updated price of different currencies in relation to the currency of your country.
All the currencies of Latin America in relation to the United States Dollar, the Euro, the Sterling Pounds and the Yen.
With this app you will be able to know, for example, the price in Argentina of:
- Official Dollar
- Dolar blue
- Tourist Dollar
- Dollar Savings
- Dollar Mep
- Wholesale Dollar
- Cash Dollar with Settlement
- Dollar Future.
Configure the app according to your needs.
All the currencies of Latin America in relation to the United States Dollar, the Euro, the Sterling Pounds and the Yen.
With this app you will be able to know, for example, the price in Argentina of:
- Official Dollar
- Dolar blue
- Tourist Dollar
- Dollar Savings
- Dollar Mep
- Wholesale Dollar
- Cash Dollar with Settlement
- Dollar Future.
Configure the app according to your needs.
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