English Assistant - Your personal assistant, where you can quickly write down words and find any English grammar you need
Here you can keep any words and learn them in a convenient way for you as well as learn grammar comfortabely.
In our application, you have an opportunity to sort words by languages and cards (topics). In each card you can add unlimited number of words and teach them with proposed modes.
The program has 3 types of study: direct translation, reciprocal translation and mixed and 3 modes of study: on your own, write words or choose 1 of 3 correct translations
Grammar is sorted by topics and you can easily access it. There are a lot of topics, for example tenses, conditionals, modal verbs, etc.
English Assistant will completely replace your usual textbooks and dictionaries and make learning simple and interesting.
Here you can keep any words and learn them in a convenient way for you as well as learn grammar comfortabely.
In our application, you have an opportunity to sort words by languages and cards (topics). In each card you can add unlimited number of words and teach them with proposed modes.
The program has 3 types of study: direct translation, reciprocal translation and mixed and 3 modes of study: on your own, write words or choose 1 of 3 correct translations
Grammar is sorted by topics and you can easily access it. There are a lot of topics, for example tenses, conditionals, modal verbs, etc.
English Assistant will completely replace your usual textbooks and dictionaries and make learning simple and interesting.
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