The most important app for you who are traveling in the Norwegian mountains where there is a risk for avalanches.
The app makes it very simple to check the current avalanche forecasts for your area.
Avalanche forecast-data if fetched from Norges vassdrags- og energidirektorat (NVE).
Please remember to always check the avalanche forecast before taking a trip into risk areas!
The following regions are covered:
- Alta
- Kåfjord
- Lyngsalpan
- Tromsø
- Balsfjord
- Senja
- Bardu
- Harstad
- Narvik
- Vesterålen
- Lofoten
- Trollheimen
- Romsdal
- Sunnmøre
- Nordfjord
- Fjordane
- Sogn
- Jotunheimen
- Voss
- Hallingskarvet
- Hemsedalfjella
- Røldal
- Rauland
- Tamokdalen
The app makes it very simple to check the current avalanche forecasts for your area.
Avalanche forecast-data if fetched from Norges vassdrags- og energidirektorat (NVE).
Please remember to always check the avalanche forecast before taking a trip into risk areas!
The following regions are covered:
- Alta
- Kåfjord
- Lyngsalpan
- Tromsø
- Balsfjord
- Senja
- Bardu
- Harstad
- Narvik
- Vesterålen
- Lofoten
- Trollheimen
- Romsdal
- Sunnmøre
- Nordfjord
- Fjordane
- Sogn
- Jotunheimen
- Voss
- Hallingskarvet
- Hemsedalfjella
- Røldal
- Rauland
- Tamokdalen
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