This scientific calculator contains all the classicals mathematicals functions : ln, log, exp, cos, arccos, etc.
It permits to work with constants as Pi and e.
The Ans function gives the possibility to calculate the first terms of recursive sequences.
Randoms numbers can be used, and associated with Floor and Round functions, for simulating randoms experiences.
Recursive sequence :
example : Un+1=1,01Un ans U0=2
2 =
Random experience :
example : to throw a dice
floor(6*rand+1) =
It permits to work with constants as Pi and e.
The Ans function gives the possibility to calculate the first terms of recursive sequences.
Randoms numbers can be used, and associated with Floor and Round functions, for simulating randoms experiences.
Recursive sequence :
example : Un+1=1,01Un ans U0=2
2 =
Random experience :
example : to throw a dice
floor(6*rand+1) =
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