CAS for Android is a computer algebra system.
Simplifify your calculus, expand, factorize, solve your equations, etc.
This application contains all the necessary functions : limits, differenciation, intégrals, Taylor series, differentials equations, Laplace transforms, matrix's operations etc.
The syntax is based on Maxima and a menu permits you to find and remember the basics functions of this language.
Note that this app needs a network connection because the CAS is installed on a external server.
Simplifify your calculus, expand, factorize, solve your equations, etc.
This application contains all the necessary functions : limits, differenciation, intégrals, Taylor series, differentials equations, Laplace transforms, matrix's operations etc.
The syntax is based on Maxima and a menu permits you to find and remember the basics functions of this language.
Note that this app needs a network connection because the CAS is installed on a external server.
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