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Counter - a pro tally app

1,000+ downloads

About Counter - a pro tally app

Counter pro is the ideal application that allows you to count items, completed tasks, habits, books, game scores, events, event participants ...

• 🔥 You can configure many features and control how the counting will be performed. Increase and decrease by 1, 10, 100 ... or any number you want.

• 🔥 Add buttons to a counter so you can increment or decrement it by different numbers at the same time.

• 🔥 Use tags to sort, group and organize your counters.


✔️ Add counters to infinity

✔️ Customize each counter by name, color, start value, reset value, actions and more.

✔️ Sort counters by tags

✔️ You can switch from List view to Grid view for better overview

✔️ Dark mode - perfectly designed to protect the eyes

✔️ History and statistics of each counter

✔️ Full screen

✔️ Personalize each counter.

✔️ All colors available.

✔️ Quick add.

✔️ Sound effect for clicks.

✔️ Multiple sound effects.

✔️ Negative value supported.

✔️ Support for more actions - you can add multiple buttons for a counter.

✔️ Custom colors.

✔️ Integrated voice for counting.

✔️ Vocal tts supported.

✔️ Option to keep screen on while counting.

A free app that can help you to you count whatever you want.

Try it now!

Counter - a pro tally app Screenshots