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Exam app for MP Patwari

Exam Study Notes
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About Exam app for MP Patwari

The full form of ‘MP Patwari’ exam is ‘Madhya Pradesh Patwari’ exam. MP Vyapam Professional Examination Board conducts a common MP Vyapam Patwari Exam every year to recruit Patwari in different areas throughout the state. Once you qualify, you are hired as a Patwari, you get the opportunity to work with State Public Service Commission.

The MP Vyapam Patwari New Vacancy Exam is your chance to get a job in the bureaucracy of the MP State Government! Get all the information like syllabus, preparation guide, exam dates, admit card, latest exam pattern and results in this app.

Examinees start their self-study under expert guidelines and cover all important topics of MP Patwari Syllabus. First, you collect study things such as Best Books, Coaching Notes, Previous year question papers/ Model Papers/Sample papers etc. By solving earlier papers, the candidates can get an idea of the incoming paper pattern and increase your speed & improve performance in given time duration.

Madhya Pradesh Professional Exam Board very soon going to release the Patwari Exam Dates. Applicants should prepare hard to grab the job in Madhya Pradesh Vyapam Official Department.

Madhya Pradesh Patwari Pariksha app contains -

MP Patwari Syllabus 2019- MPPEB Vyapam Patwari Exam Pattern

General Knowledge - Economics, Chemistry, Biology, Books and Authors, History of India & MP, Important Awards, Physics, Geography of India & MP, Important Inventions, Important Dates, Polity, Art & Culture of MP, Current Affairs
General Hindi - कारक, उपसर्ग और प्रत्यय, वाक्य सुधार, पर्यायवाची/ विलोम शब्द, वर्तनी की त्रुटि, रिक्तस्थान, मुहावरे और लोकोक्तियाँ, अनेक शब्दों के लिए एक शब्द, संधि, वाक्यों में त्रुटियाँ, समास, स्त्रीलिंग, पुल्लिंग

Computer - Basics Of Computer (BOC), Operating System, Microsoft Word, RAM/ ROM, Microsoft Office, Input & Output Device, Microsoft Excel

Rural Economy and Panchayati Raj - Green Revolution, Land Reforms, Role of Revenue Officer, Rural Poverty & Allied Themes, Basics of Rural Economy, Rural Welfare Activities, Social Inclusion, Indian Agriculture, Irrigation Resources & Projects, Government Schemes (Gram Awas Yojana, Fasal Beema Yojana, Gram Sadak Yojana), Rural Unemployment & MNREGA

Disclaimer - This app does not claim affiliation with a government entity or to provide or facilitate government services. All the contents of this app are collected from different books and internet.
Source of Information : peb.mp.gov.in

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