UP State Department of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Assistant, Junior Engineer, Computer Assistant, Accountant UP Panchayat Sahayak, Panchayat Rojgar Sewak Model Papers UP Panchayat Raj Computer Asst Syllabus UP Panchayat Raj Dept is going to recruit the candidates by conducting a written test Preliminary & Mains
Syllabus for UP Panchayat Sahayak
General Knowledge
Constitution of India.
Indian History and culture, with particular reference to UP.
General and Economic Geography of India, with particular reference to UP.
Current events
Everyday science and such matters of everyday observation.
General Awareness
Famous Places in India.
Science and innovations.
New inventions.
Scientific observations.
History of India.
Geography of India.
Political Science.
Countries and Capitals.
National and international current affairs.
Indian Culture.
International issues.
National News (current).
Economic issues in India.
World organizations.
About India and it’s neighboring countries.
General English
English grammar,
power to understand and comprehend the English language and ability to.
Discriminate between correct and incorrect usage.
Rural Development and Panchayat Raj Knowledge
Constitution Amendment to Article 73 and 74.
History of UP Panchayat Raj.
Constitution of Grama Panchayats, Powers, and Duties of Grama Panchayat Adhyaksha and Upadhyaksha.
Duties of Gram Panchayat.
Financial Resources of Gram Panchayat.
The staff of Grama Panchayats and duties.
National Rural Employment Guarantee Act and Scheme.
Total Sanitation Campaign.
Government Housing Schemes (Ashraya, Ambedkar, Indira Avas Yojana).
Reasoning Syllabus
Verbal Reasoning
Series Completion
Verification of truth of the Statement
Situation Reaction Test
Direction Sense Test
Data Sufficiency
Alpha-Numeric Sequence Puzzle
Puzzle Test
Blood Relations
Assertion and Reasoning
Arithmetical Reasoning
Operations of Mathematics
Venn Diagrams
Word Sequence
Missing Characters
Sequential Output training
Test on Alphabets
Eligibility Test
Non-Verbal Reasoning
Dot Situation
Identical figure groupings
Forming figures and analysis
Construction of Squares and Triangles
Analytical Reasoning
Paper Folding
Paper Cutting
Cubes and Dice
Water Images
Mirror Images
Figure Matrix
Completion Incomplete Pattern
Spotting embedded figures
Rules Detection
General Aptitude Syllabus
Time and Distance
Problems on Trains
Time and Work Partnership
Ratio and Proportion
Boats and Streams
Simple Interest
Issues on L.C.M and H.C.F
Pipes and Cisterns
Issues on Numbers
Compound Interest
Profit and Loss
Odd Man Out
Races and Games
Numbers and Ages
Mixtures and Allegations
Simple Equations
Quadratic Equations
Indices and Surds
Permutations and Combinations
Simplification and Approximation
Disclaimer - This app does not claim affiliation with a government entity or to provide or facilitate government services. I already mentioned that application is not affiliated with any government services or person in disclaimer. It just redirects to some websites.
Syllabus for UP Panchayat Sahayak
General Knowledge
Constitution of India.
Indian History and culture, with particular reference to UP.
General and Economic Geography of India, with particular reference to UP.
Current events
Everyday science and such matters of everyday observation.
General Awareness
Famous Places in India.
Science and innovations.
New inventions.
Scientific observations.
History of India.
Geography of India.
Political Science.
Countries and Capitals.
National and international current affairs.
Indian Culture.
International issues.
National News (current).
Economic issues in India.
World organizations.
About India and it’s neighboring countries.
General English
English grammar,
power to understand and comprehend the English language and ability to.
Discriminate between correct and incorrect usage.
Rural Development and Panchayat Raj Knowledge
Constitution Amendment to Article 73 and 74.
History of UP Panchayat Raj.
Constitution of Grama Panchayats, Powers, and Duties of Grama Panchayat Adhyaksha and Upadhyaksha.
Duties of Gram Panchayat.
Financial Resources of Gram Panchayat.
The staff of Grama Panchayats and duties.
National Rural Employment Guarantee Act and Scheme.
Total Sanitation Campaign.
Government Housing Schemes (Ashraya, Ambedkar, Indira Avas Yojana).
Reasoning Syllabus
Verbal Reasoning
Series Completion
Verification of truth of the Statement
Situation Reaction Test
Direction Sense Test
Data Sufficiency
Alpha-Numeric Sequence Puzzle
Puzzle Test
Blood Relations
Assertion and Reasoning
Arithmetical Reasoning
Operations of Mathematics
Venn Diagrams
Word Sequence
Missing Characters
Sequential Output training
Test on Alphabets
Eligibility Test
Non-Verbal Reasoning
Dot Situation
Identical figure groupings
Forming figures and analysis
Construction of Squares and Triangles
Analytical Reasoning
Paper Folding
Paper Cutting
Cubes and Dice
Water Images
Mirror Images
Figure Matrix
Completion Incomplete Pattern
Spotting embedded figures
Rules Detection
General Aptitude Syllabus
Time and Distance
Problems on Trains
Time and Work Partnership
Ratio and Proportion
Boats and Streams
Simple Interest
Issues on L.C.M and H.C.F
Pipes and Cisterns
Issues on Numbers
Compound Interest
Profit and Loss
Odd Man Out
Races and Games
Numbers and Ages
Mixtures and Allegations
Simple Equations
Quadratic Equations
Indices and Surds
Permutations and Combinations
Simplification and Approximation
Disclaimer - This app does not claim affiliation with a government entity or to provide or facilitate government services. I already mentioned that application is not affiliated with any government services or person in disclaimer. It just redirects to some websites.
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