Monthly Account Book is a simple household account book app.
Monthly Account Book only needs to be recorded the money and debts you have once a month to tell you how much they hava increased or decreased.
Monthly Account Book do not need to collect receipts as it only records the amount of assets and liabilities at that time.
Monthly Account Book has the following functions:
* Customize account item
* Show recorded list related to selected account item
* Record the money and debts you have
* Visualization of asset transitions
* Backup your data
* Restore your data
* Import Csv file of your data
You can imoprt csv file with your data.
The csv file format is as following:
Csv Type: Account Item
* Header name(Format)
* title(String)
Csv Type: Account Book
* Header name(Format)
* title(String)
* record(Number)
* recordDate(String, yyyy/MM/dd)
Monthly Account Book only needs to be recorded the money and debts you have once a month to tell you how much they hava increased or decreased.
Monthly Account Book do not need to collect receipts as it only records the amount of assets and liabilities at that time.
Monthly Account Book has the following functions:
* Customize account item
* Show recorded list related to selected account item
* Record the money and debts you have
* Visualization of asset transitions
* Backup your data
* Restore your data
* Import Csv file of your data
You can imoprt csv file with your data.
The csv file format is as following:
Csv Type: Account Item
* Header name(Format)
* title(String)
Csv Type: Account Book
* Header name(Format)
* title(String)
* record(Number)
* recordDate(String, yyyy/MM/dd)
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