The application has a database, the result of several years of field trials conducted by the ABC Foundation in different regions and with various cultivars of wheat and barley, with the application of Moddus growth regulator, aiming to reduce plant lodging or change the architecture. of plants. Based on these tests, it was possible to define parameters that may influence mainly the risk of lodging. Then, from predefined parameters the user can choose the cultivar of wheat or barley, and perform some filters for the application to search the database. After choosing the cultivar, the filters include parameters to characterize the region, such as altitude, above or below 600 m above sea level, and some management parameters such as irrigation, plant population and nitrogen dose. Therefore, the user can choose whether the crop system is irrigated or rainfed, three plant population levels, up to 200 plants / m², between 201 and 350 plants / m² and above 350 plants / m², and three additional levels of plant population. nitrogen dose up to 30 kg / ha, between 31 and 50 kg / ha and above 51 kg / ha. With the chosen parameters, the application searches the database, identifies the risk of lodging for each situation and then makes a suggestion of the growth regulator dose to be applied (mL / ha) and what would be the best phenological stage for make the application, always respecting the registration doses of the product for use in both cultures.
** Always consult an Agronomist. Sale under agronomic prescription. **
** Always consult an Agronomist. Sale under agronomic prescription. **
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