Grupo ABC's Agrometeorological Monitoring System (smaABC) completed 13 years of operation in June 2017. Castrolanda operationally received information on regional climatology, (agro)meteorological monitoring, weather and climate forecast, with the aim of reducing risks in decision-making processes based on agrometeorological information.
Through the smaABC website (, between December 2015 and December 2016, 369,413 page views were recorded, with an average time spent on the website of approximately 00:02:15h, one an increase of around 41% in relation to the same period of the previous year. Faced with such demand for (agro)meteorological information, the ABC Foundation decided to make the smaABC application, version 1.0, available exclusively to members of ABC Cooperatives in April 2014, with support from the University of Florida.
Below are described the main functionalities of version 1.0 of the smaABC application:
• Visualization of agrometeorological records in real time, from 53 automatic agrometeorological stations belonging to Fundação ABC;
• Registration of one or more farms using a map;
• Association of each farm with the nearest agrometeorological station;
• Registration of one or more plots belonging to each farm;
• For each plot, the user must inform the crop, soil texture, planting date and some other data;
• Depending on this information, the application will update every 60 minutes, information such as accumulated precipitation, drought or water stress index, maximum and minimum temperature, accumulated degree days and the occurrence of some extreme meteorological events from the planting date to the current moment, for each field registered;
• Quick access to hourly forecast of average temperature and precipitation for the next 6 hours, or forecast of temperatures (maximum and minimum), relative humidity, precipitation and wind speed for the next 5 days, both for your farm and to the nearest station using the Regional ETA 5km and 15km model.
As of September 2017, Fundação ABC's Agrometeorology team has developed version 2.0 of the smaABC application, including new features such as:
1) Availability of agrometeorological records at intervals of 15 and 60 minutes, taken at 70 FABC automatic agrometeorological stations, installed in accordance with the norms of the World Meteorological Organization;
2) Integration of the cell phone's GPS with the features of plot design, monitoring and weather forecast (customized);
3) Integration of registered plot polygons with soil maps at scales of 1:250,000, 1:600,000 and 1:1,000,000;
This application uses the same login and password registered to access the ABC Foundation portal.
Important: The app does not represent a government entity.
Through the smaABC website (, between December 2015 and December 2016, 369,413 page views were recorded, with an average time spent on the website of approximately 00:02:15h, one an increase of around 41% in relation to the same period of the previous year. Faced with such demand for (agro)meteorological information, the ABC Foundation decided to make the smaABC application, version 1.0, available exclusively to members of ABC Cooperatives in April 2014, with support from the University of Florida.
Below are described the main functionalities of version 1.0 of the smaABC application:
• Visualization of agrometeorological records in real time, from 53 automatic agrometeorological stations belonging to Fundação ABC;
• Registration of one or more farms using a map;
• Association of each farm with the nearest agrometeorological station;
• Registration of one or more plots belonging to each farm;
• For each plot, the user must inform the crop, soil texture, planting date and some other data;
• Depending on this information, the application will update every 60 minutes, information such as accumulated precipitation, drought or water stress index, maximum and minimum temperature, accumulated degree days and the occurrence of some extreme meteorological events from the planting date to the current moment, for each field registered;
• Quick access to hourly forecast of average temperature and precipitation for the next 6 hours, or forecast of temperatures (maximum and minimum), relative humidity, precipitation and wind speed for the next 5 days, both for your farm and to the nearest station using the Regional ETA 5km and 15km model.
As of September 2017, Fundação ABC's Agrometeorology team has developed version 2.0 of the smaABC application, including new features such as:
1) Availability of agrometeorological records at intervals of 15 and 60 minutes, taken at 70 FABC automatic agrometeorological stations, installed in accordance with the norms of the World Meteorological Organization;
2) Integration of the cell phone's GPS with the features of plot design, monitoring and weather forecast (customized);
3) Integration of registered plot polygons with soil maps at scales of 1:250,000, 1:600,000 and 1:1,000,000;
This application uses the same login and password registered to access the ABC Foundation portal.
Important: The app does not represent a government entity.
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