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Jelajah Bantul

Pemerintah Kabupaten Bantul
1,000+ downloads

About Jelajah Bantul

Bantul, one of the districts in the provinces of Yogyakarta or Jogja people are more familiar with, having a value of tourism is not inferior to Jogja. Parangtritis, Depok beaches, sand dunes Parangkusumo, it lies in Bantul as belle of travel Bantul.

Then how about you a traveler who had not previously been to Bantul? Want to visit but do not know where to go?

.... do not worry traveler, this solution

Browse apps Bantul is traveling to your application the traveler who wants to visit the districts of Bantul or Jogja. More than 100 of the best locations you can visit in Bantul or Jogja.

Browse Bantul has a feature to allow you to roam Bantul comfortably. All summed up into one app in your hand.

- Bantul Travel / Jogja
- Culinary Bantul / Jogja
- Info
- Events are cool in Bantul / Jogja

.... and many other supporting features that will give you information about Bantul travel.


Bantul, do not forget to use the Browse Bantul. Get it on Google Play

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