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TTS Bagus : Teka Teki Silang

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About TTS Bagus : Teka Teki Silang

Good Crossword Puzzles Are Games With Rule Play Like Crossword Games in General, Which We Are Sure You Know, Because This Game is a simple and fun game popular in the 80s or even before that year.

Crossword Puzzle Game Is A Game Genre That Can Indirectly Sharpen The Intelligence Of The Player's Mind, Because This Game Can Be Completed By Answering All The Questions Asked Correctly. The types of questions themselves are very diverse, ranging from general knowledge, history, local language school lessons to slang which is quite popular used by many people, especially you millennials or today's youth.

Good Crossword Puzzle itself is a game that uses the same concept as Crossword Games in General, It's just that this Good Puzzle Game or Good TTS Has Many Advantages Compared to Some of the TTS Games That Exist Today.

The advantage of this good TTS game is in the game mode, this game has several game modes, namely:
✅ Free Mode
Is a mode where players can play games with combined questions, starting from general knowledge, language, history, and so on.

✅ Thematic Mode
Good Puzzles Thematic Mode is a game that focuses more on using topics in a particular field of knowledge, for example, the topic of slang mode crosswords, so the game will only discuss knowledge of slang. And for example the English Mode Topic, the game only focuses on English.

Good TTS also has features that other TTS don't have in the Playstore, including:
✔️ Mini Puzzle using own pictures and photos
✔️ Mini Blocks, a Phenomenal Game In the 90s, at that time this game was played on Gameboy consoles.

In addition to the game modes mentioned above, crossword games also have more diverse game modes, ranging from 10x10 to 20x20, which definitely makes good crosswords more challenging.

Good Puzzle Game Also has some interesting features including:
✔️ Can Run Offline Without Reducing Your Data Package at All
✔️ Smart Help, Help That Will Show 1 Help Letter
✔️ Live Help, which is a tutorial on how to use a good puzzle game
✔️ Seeing the Problem, Players can see the questions and can choose questions that are easier for you and other features that you can see after installing Good Puzzles on your smartphone.

Update Information Starting from Version 6.7
- Good TTS The latest update version 6.7 uses new and unique data in each chapter, we add broader, more numerous terms and words, because of that there may be some terms or questions that you find difficult and foreign, this is where your knowledge and insight will increase. Even though it looks foreign, don't worry, we quoted the term from the Indonesian dictionary which has been processed so that we get terms that are still commonly used in everyday life.

Thank you

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