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Mahjong Empires

Apps Gempro
4.4 out of 5
500,000+ downloads

About Mahjong Empires

The original and imposing architecture is made up of thousands of cubes which opens the legend of eliminating game.
A magnificent and unique architecture stands upright in the vast expanse, the player can crush the architecture by parts, and it’s passed when all tiles are eliminated on the board.
Innovative mahjong 3D solid pairing game which is not only test your eyesight and mental; meanwhile it can train your spatial reasoning and logical thinking ability. With Plant & Mysterious symbol, it is fun and help you to kill the time.
It also can help you to spend the spare time whenever.
As for the puzzle game, this must be one of the necessary collection games.

Game Features
# Innovation & variety level.
# Rotate multi-angle.
# Hints.
# Featured architectural craft, unprecedented.
# Area locked, partition eliminated.

Mahjong Empires Screenshots