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Triangle Mahjong

Apps Gempro
500+ downloads

About Triangle Mahjong

3D shape built by triangle and cubes that you never seen before, your mission is remove all of the cubes to pass the level.
A casual puzzle matching game that never fades, the combination of classic and innovation, this is Triangle Mahjong Fun 3D.
Over hundreds of levels, every level is uniquely designed.
Not only that, there are three modes: easy, hard and challenge for you to challenge.
But also there are three pattern styles: Mahjong,Plants,Mysterious symbols to choose from.
The gameplay is also very simple, tap two identical cubes and match it.
It's definitely a great game for relax.

How to Play:
1.Choose two identical cubes, and you can match it, match all of the cubes to pass the level.
2.Use one finger to rotate it, two fingers pinch to zoom in and out.

Triangle Mahjong Screenshots