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LA Hire

Geographic Solutions Inc.
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About LA Hire

LA Hire

By Geographic Solutions Inc


Looking for a great job in Louisiana?

Find jobs which align with your skill sets or training using the LA Hire Mobile app. Instantly view any job posted to the web directly on your Android device.

Select the latest job openings in your area from over 20,000 websites. LA Hire Mobile has access to:

•National and local job boards
•Federal, state and local government job boards
•National recruiters and all major employers
•Military branches
•Major hospitals nonprofits and newspapers
•Green job boards
•Volunteer sites
•Chambers of commerce

Search by keyword and location (state/city/zip code). See results in either list format or as pins on a map. Focus on specific industries you’re interested in.

Save and share your favorite jobs via email, Facebook or Twitter.

With LA Hire Mobile’s unique “Jobs Nearby” function you can easily map all the latest jobs near your current location. Search for jobs around your neighborhood or a different location. Simply tap color-coordinated pins to see more information or to apply for a job.

LA Hire Mobile lets you instantly return to previous searches, recently viewed jobs and your favorite jobs.

Visit Louisiana Hire Online Services at