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About AreatzAPP

AreatzAPP is the new application of the municipality of Areatza that offers a modern system of incidents and suggestions through which you can send any query or complaint to the City Council and to which you can attach a photo, video or sound captured with your mobile phone. You have the option of geoposicionar the incidence and send it anonymously (if you do not want to receive a response) or indicating your data so that the City will respond to your comments.

A SmartAppCity project (

AreatzAPP aplikazioa Areatza-ko herriaren app berria da, non gertakari eta iradokizun modernaz baliatu zaitezke edozein kontsulta edo kexa udalera bidaltzeko; argazki, bideo edo soinua gehituz zure telefonoaz baliatuz. Gertakaria geoposizionatu eta modu anonimoan bidaltzeko aukera duzu (erantzunik jaso nahi ez baduzu) edo zure datuak adierazi ditzakezu udalak zure iruzkinei erantzuna emateko.

SmartAppCity-ren proiektu bat (

AreatzAPP Screenshots