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Familia Martínez Bujanda

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About Familia Martínez Bujanda

Family Martinez Bujanda includes 5 wineries with a common denominator in privileged vineyards. Farm and Vineyard Valpiedra Bujanda in QDO Rioja Finca Antigua in DO La Mancha, Finca Montepedroso in the Rueda and developing Growers and Breeders Wines of Castilla.

Through our app you can visit all of them, know them and interact in an easy and enjoyable. Thanks to augmented reality we present our products only with your device to come near to any of our labels.

Scanning QR codes can access the profile sheets for each product and from there, directly, buy your favorite wines. Also find:

- Where to buy our wines
- Option augmented reality to locate the closest sites where taking Martinez Bujanda Family wines.
- Booking to visit our facilities
- Be fully aware of our wines
- Get detailed information on all of them.
- Share to social networks
- Leave your comment

- Valuing
- Scan the labels


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- Scan our labels
- Capture label our wines thanks to augmented reality and you can see exclusive videos.

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-Get the latest news Bujanda Martinez Family.

And much more to come.

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