Unnatural, the state of not being in accordance with nature or contrary to the ordinary course of natural events.
Unnatural phenomena are often classified as paranormal. These events being strange, and whose existence (within various contexts) is often described as 'beyond the scope' of normal scientific understanding.
This ITC app was designed to perform spirit communication and EVP research by harnessing ethereal power through the use of sophisticated algorithms and compelling texts to help spirits communicate.
The app applies a multi-lingual approach using phonemes, words, and even reversed speech, all of which are converted and tuned to 432Hz audio, sometimes called (The Miracle Frequency) or Schumann resonances. These are a set of spectrum peaks in the extremely low frequency portion of the Earth's electromagnetic field spectrum.
Unnatural, the state of not being in accordance with nature or contrary to the ordinary course of natural events.
Unnatural phenomena are often classified as paranormal. These events being strange, and whose existence (within various contexts) is often described as 'beyond the scope' of normal scientific understanding.
This ITC app was designed to perform spirit communication and EVP research by harnessing ethereal power through the use of sophisticated algorithms and compelling texts to help spirits communicate.
The app applies a multi-lingual approach using phonemes, words, and even reversed speech, all of which are converted and tuned to 432Hz audio, sometimes called (The Miracle Frequency) or Schumann resonances. These are a set of spectrum peaks in the extremely low frequency portion of the Earth's electromagnetic field spectrum.
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