Floating Point Calculator IEEE icon

Floating Point Calculator IEEE

Logical Sonic
4.3 out of 5
1,000+ downloads

About Floating Point Calculator IEEE

This calculator converts a 32-bit and 64-bit binary strings into their floating point values (i.e. decimal values such as "3.14159..."). It can also convert the decimal number to a 32-bit and 64-bit binary string.

For example, the floating point (decimal) value of Pi is 3.14159...

The binary representation of Pi is therefore:
01000000 01001001 00001111 11010000

This calculator supports two-way conversions. To clarify what that means, here are the conversions it can do:
(1) Float to Binary (3.14159 = 01000000 01001001 00001111 11010000)
(2) Binary to Float (01000000 01001001 00001111 11010000 = 3.14159)

This app is designed to help computer science and computer architecture students easily understand how a floating point value is calculated. For example: the binary string is color coded to help students differentiate between the sign, the exponent, and the mantissa. Another example: by long-pressing on an individual bit, this will activate an overlay that shows the user what happens when that specific bit is toggled on or off (try it out!).

This converter also supports other numerical systems or representations including: floating point, binary, hexadecimal, octal, signed integer, and unsigned integer numbers.

This app has full conversion support for:
(1) single-precision floating point numbers (float ... decimal)
(2) double-precision floating point numbers (double ... decimal)
(3) hexadecimal representations (hex)
(4) octal representations (oct)

This app has limited conversion support for:
(1) signed integers (signed int ... decimal)
(2) unsigned integers (unsigned int ... decimal)

Full support means that you can perform two-way conversations between two numerical representations. Limited support means that you can only perform one-way conversions. I am still working on adding full support for all the major numerical systems/representations in computer science.

There are two modes:
(1) The floating point calculator mode - this is used to explicitly convert between binary and floating point numbers.
(2) The hexadecimal, octal, and binary conversion mode - this is used to convert between hexadecimal, octal, and binary representations. After converting between these three number systems, you can then press on the "Apply" button to finally convert it to a floating point value.

Please share this app to other students/professors who might benefit from using it. Don't forget to email me your feedback and feature requests. If you would like to send me your words of support and appreciation, please email them to me!

(1) 32-bit and 64-bit precisions.
(2) Convert bin to float.
(3) Convert float to bin.
(4) Convert between hex, oct, and bin.
(5) Convert float to hex, oct, signed int, and unsigned int.
(6) Convert bin to hex, oct, signed int, and unsigned int.
(7) Color coded binary string to familiarize students with the sign, exponent, and mantissa.
(8) Copy and paste float, bin, hex, oct.
(9) Copy signed/unsigned int conversions to clipboard.
(10) One-way conversion from bin to signed/unsigned int.
(11) The special overlay interface explains how the float is converted (activate it by long-pressing on an individual bit).
(12) Change calculator appearance and behavior in the user settings.

Coming soon in future updates:
(1) Two-way conversions between bin and signed/unsigned int.
(2) Premium Ad-Free version.
(3) Landscape mode.

Visit my official website for more info.

Floating Point Calculator IEEE Screenshots