Hear text/PDF documents in a language of your choice. Great help for students to hear their course notes and revise.
This app convert text to voice using the android TTS.
It can read TXT files and PDF documents or you can type the Text.
Its very useful for students to hear notes and learn with less involment.
-Read TXT and PDF files from SD card / Internal Memory.
-You can type the text or use Copy, Paste text functions.
Languages : German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese,
Swedish, Turkish, Russian, Hindi, Thai, Korean, Chinese and Japanese.
Important :
Your device must have a TTS (Text To Speech) engine installed for use the app.
This app convert text to voice using the android TTS.
It can read TXT files and PDF documents or you can type the Text.
Its very useful for students to hear notes and learn with less involment.
-Read TXT and PDF files from SD card / Internal Memory.
-You can type the text or use Copy, Paste text functions.
Languages : German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese,
Swedish, Turkish, Russian, Hindi, Thai, Korean, Chinese and Japanese.
Important :
Your device must have a TTS (Text To Speech) engine installed for use the app.
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