Medicine Reminder app helps you to take your medicines (pills) on time.
It will notify you on your described time, provides you multiple functionality like you can add multiple medicines with specified data like you can add single time a day reminder, two time a day reminder and even you can add custom times.
You can also add number of days for your medicine prescription and add notify days when your medicine going to end. Track your prescription progress in progress chart, also download your medication intake report via PDF format.
Add multiple profile for your family members.
So let's start your medical prescription now....
It will notify you on your described time, provides you multiple functionality like you can add multiple medicines with specified data like you can add single time a day reminder, two time a day reminder and even you can add custom times.
You can also add number of days for your medicine prescription and add notify days when your medicine going to end. Track your prescription progress in progress chart, also download your medication intake report via PDF format.
Add multiple profile for your family members.
So let's start your medical prescription now....
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