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Wink Hotels

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About Wink Hotels

Live life in a Wink and check-in an instant and check-out in a second, and more, with the Wink Hotels app. Whoosh.

Get the Wink Hotels app and kick-start your stay. Check in with your mobile device even before you reach Wink. And check out and sign-off on your stay with your device too.

Contactless Check-in At Wink
No queues at check-in. Be in your room in minutes with the Wink app’s contactless check-in.

Your Mobile = Your Room Card
The Wink Hotels app = the end of the room card. The app issues a digital room key to your mobile. Tap. Beep. Turn.

Your Wink Insider Guide
Swipe. Get hotel information immediately. Discover opening hours, hot news and buzzing events all through your Wink Hotels app.

Easy Check-Out At Wink
Check out from anywhere. Complete payments. And be on your way after enjoying your stay at Wink.

Wink Hotels Screenshots