해커스편입–무료 편입보카 게임,나만의 단어장, 인강수강 icon

해커스편입–무료 편입보카 게임,나만의 단어장, 인강수강

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About 해커스편입–무료 편입보카 게임,나만의 단어장, 인강수강

The vocabulary of all the latest issued «Hackers incorporated Boca» A Textbook
Hackers make it easier to incorporate the applications! Faster! More comfortable! Please memorize vocabulary learning.

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1 min when you want to memorize the date issued vocabulary anywhere!
2. makmak you just going to memorize vocabulary and incorporated boring minutes!
3. If you would like to «Hackers incorporated Boca» materials effectively review the memorized words to!
4. not memorized the words together in one place for easy viewing and who want to memorize and repeat until you memorize!
▼▼ ▼▼ Features and Introduction
1. Through the daily quiz to memorize the words «Hackers incorporated Boca» books effectively!
- OX meet the problem solving / word / paste paired Fit / sentence blanks
2. Select Day to Day 5 for vulnerable perfect learning games available
3. learning enables you to fully memorize the words to your own vocabulary
4. Recommended English learning apps / sites provided
Aladdin Best Sellers University Transfer (May 2015 one week basis)

With respect to access to use the app below:
We will guide together.
Access is essential and optional access
Divided into access, selective access
If you do not have to accept the authority of the permit
You can use this app.

• essential access
• Storage space
Photo media files to your device access
Video and audio for storage and playback
It is used.

• telephone
Dialing and management rights PUSH
Use to your preferences.

• Selective access
• do not use the app.

• Less than a smartphone version of Android OS 6.0
If you use, all without the optional access
It may be subject to necessary permissions.
 In this case, upgrade the operating system 6.0 or later
One access must delete and reinstall the app after
This setting allows correctly.

해커스편입–무료 편입보카 게임,나만의 단어장, 인강수강 Screenshots