17 million copies of the national TOEIC hackers! No. 1 TOEIC bestseller for 16 consecutive years!
A dedicated listening app that selects only the 'key sentences' of the hackers TOEIC listening textbook!
App supports pronunciation of '3 countries' for the first time in the US, UK, and Australia!
Provides listening, shadowing, and dictation by country and speed!
▶ Introduction of main functions
1. The first professional listening app that provides pronunciation in all three countries for the actual TOEIC exam!
2. Provides listening function by speed (1.0> 1.2 > 1.4)!
3. Listening by speed > Listening by country > Shadowing > Listening to dictation Optimal learning system!
4. You can listen repeatedly by selecting only the pronunciation of a weak country!
5. Move-only learning mode is provided so that you can learn while moving on the subway or bus!
6. Multitasking support so that you can learn while using other apps in mobile learning!
7. Sleep mode listening support with the screen turned off in mobile learning!
▶ Recommended for these people.
1. Those who are preparing for the TOEIC test
2. Those who want to intensively learn British and Australian pronunciations from the TOEIC test
3. Office workers and the general public who want to learn business English
(* Frequently appearing sentences on the TOEIC are related to business situations and are helpful for business English.)
4. Those who want to improve their listening skills through systematic learning
5. Those who want to learn listening on the go
※ Information on best-selling textbooks
1. Exceeded 17 million copies: Based on cumulative shipments of a total of 27 Hackers TOEIC types (by 2020)
2. No. 1 bestseller for 16 consecutive years: [Hackers Language Research Institute] Top bestseller in Kyobo Bookstore TOEIC/TOEFL field
(Based on annual bestsellers from 2005 to 2020, Hackers TOEIC Voca 8 times / Hackers TOEIC Reading 8 times)
※ Please send suggestions or inquiries to ‘Hackers’ in the [Hackers application] menu of the application.
※ High-quality MP3s recorded by native speakers of the United States, United Kingdom, and Australia are provided and must be downloaded the first time before learning begins.
※ Hackers TOEIC Listening Core Edition - TOEIC Price: 4500 won
App access permission guide
We will guide you as follows about the access rights used in the app.
Access rights are divided into essential access rights and optional access rights,
In the case of selective access, you can use the app even if you do not agree to the permission.
• Required access rights
• Storage:
Used for storing and playing video and audio with device photo media file access rights.
• Optional access rights
• Camera and video
Please attach a photo/video to the hackers
• If you are using a smartphone with Android OS 6.0 or lower,
All of them can be applied as mandatory access rights without optional access rights.
In this case, after upgrading the operating system to 6.0 or higher, you must delete and reinstall the app.
Access rights can be set normally.
A dedicated listening app that selects only the 'key sentences' of the hackers TOEIC listening textbook!
App supports pronunciation of '3 countries' for the first time in the US, UK, and Australia!
Provides listening, shadowing, and dictation by country and speed!
▶ Introduction of main functions
1. The first professional listening app that provides pronunciation in all three countries for the actual TOEIC exam!
2. Provides listening function by speed (1.0> 1.2 > 1.4)!
3. Listening by speed > Listening by country > Shadowing > Listening to dictation Optimal learning system!
4. You can listen repeatedly by selecting only the pronunciation of a weak country!
5. Move-only learning mode is provided so that you can learn while moving on the subway or bus!
6. Multitasking support so that you can learn while using other apps in mobile learning!
7. Sleep mode listening support with the screen turned off in mobile learning!
▶ Recommended for these people.
1. Those who are preparing for the TOEIC test
2. Those who want to intensively learn British and Australian pronunciations from the TOEIC test
3. Office workers and the general public who want to learn business English
(* Frequently appearing sentences on the TOEIC are related to business situations and are helpful for business English.)
4. Those who want to improve their listening skills through systematic learning
5. Those who want to learn listening on the go
※ Information on best-selling textbooks
1. Exceeded 17 million copies: Based on cumulative shipments of a total of 27 Hackers TOEIC types (by 2020)
2. No. 1 bestseller for 16 consecutive years: [Hackers Language Research Institute] Top bestseller in Kyobo Bookstore TOEIC/TOEFL field
(Based on annual bestsellers from 2005 to 2020, Hackers TOEIC Voca 8 times / Hackers TOEIC Reading 8 times)
※ Please send suggestions or inquiries to ‘Hackers’ in the [Hackers application] menu of the application.
※ High-quality MP3s recorded by native speakers of the United States, United Kingdom, and Australia are provided and must be downloaded the first time before learning begins.
※ Hackers TOEIC Listening Core Edition - TOEIC Price: 4500 won
App access permission guide
We will guide you as follows about the access rights used in the app.
Access rights are divided into essential access rights and optional access rights,
In the case of selective access, you can use the app even if you do not agree to the permission.
• Required access rights
• Storage:
Used for storing and playing video and audio with device photo media file access rights.
• Optional access rights
• Camera and video
Please attach a photo/video to the hackers
• If you are using a smartphone with Android OS 6.0 or lower,
All of them can be applied as mandatory access rights without optional access rights.
In this case, after upgrading the operating system to 6.0 or higher, you must delete and reinstall the app.
Access rights can be set normally.
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