해커스토익 기출보카 (토익 기출단어 30일 완성) icon

해커스토익 기출보카 (토익 기출단어 30일 완성)

Free (in-app purchases)
3.7 out of 5
500,000+ downloads

About 해커스토익 기출보카 (토익 기출단어 30일 완성)

TOEIC written words completed in just 30 days!
App Store Education App (App) Ranking No. 1 Hackers TOEIC Gichulboka

■ Anyone who wants to memorize the latest TOEIC vocabulary anytime, anywhere!
■ Those who are tired of memorizing words just thinking about it!
■ Those who want to achieve the target score by memorizing the latest TOEIC vocabulary quickly and easily!
■ Those who want to check the words memorized from the 《Hackers TOEIC Gichuol Voca》 textbook in a fun game!
■ If you want to memorize the words you can't remember in one place, check them easily and memorize them repeatedly until you memorize them!

Perfect reflection of the latest TOEIC questions, accuracy rate in practice UP!
Prepare perfectly for practice with essential TOEIC words and idiom (tolerance) expressions.

▶ Memorize all the vocabulary of the 《Hackers TOEIC Voca》 textbook with [Voca Game]
It is a fun game to memorize boring words, and you can quickly and easily memorize the latest vocabulary from the TOEIC.

▶ Study/review the latest TOEIC words and example sentences in the 《Hackers TOEIC Voca》 textbook with [Word Learning]
You can study all the contents of the 《Hackers TOEIC Voca》 textbook with [Word Card], and review the latest TOEIC words and example sentences learned with [Review Game].

▶ For perfect learning, you can select various days to learn Voca games/words
You can quickly learn and memorize the latest vocabulary from TOEIC by selecting up to 5 Days for perfect learning of weak Days.

▶ Memorize / review while watching and listening until you memorize words with [My Own Vocabulary]
You can easily memorize the words you couldn't memorize with [Words to Memorize] in one place, and you can review the words you memorized with [Complete Words to Memorize].

▶ Provides TOEIC test information and recommended English learning applications/sites

A must-have item for high-scoring TOEIC players!
hacker's token

[App Store education free app ranking based on 2014.05.21]

TEL : 02)3453-0654
E-MAIL: enghelp@hackers.com

[App Access Permission Guide]

We will guide you as follows about the access rights used in the app.
You may not agree to the optional access rights, but
There may be restrictions on the use of some features that require access rights.

※ Required access rights

• phone call
Learning reminder, PUSH message

※ Optional access rights

• Camera and video
Please attach a photo/video to the hackers

• Storage
Please attach a photo/video to the hackers

• Appear above the app
Utilization to activate lock screen

• In versions below Android OS 6.0, selective consent/withdrawal of access rights is not possible, so it is considered to allow permission when installing the app.

해커스토익 기출보카 (토익 기출단어 30일 완성) Screenshots