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Farming Life Simulator 2022

HC Game Studio AS
10,000+ downloads

About Farming Life Simulator 2022

Farming Life Simulator 2022
Play the Farming Game Simulator; Drive Best Trucks.

Different Tractors
Farming Villages and Cities
Realistic Effects
Realistic Farm Life
Navigation and Traffic System and more..

Multiplayer will be add in soon...
How To Play:
Step 1- Plowing ; Soil aeration process is carried out in order to get a better quality product of the crop to be planted in the field. Before that, the crushed products from the previous process are cleared from the field.
Step 2- Seeding is the 2nd step to grow the crop in the field seeding task. Here you have to carefully plant the seeds in your hand. The arrangement of the seeds will help you spend more time in the spray and harvesting task.
Step 3- Spraying It is a method used to create a defense system against harmful insects after the seeds sown during the spraying task. In this way, you can get healthier plants.
Step 4- The process of harvesting is to collect the sown seeds. Use the tool carefully while plowing or you will crush the growing seeds and cause crop loss.
Step 5- The process of buying and selling is the process of purchasing the products that are planted and will be planted. It is the process where you sell the crops you have grown and buy the seeds needed for the next planting process.

Farming Life Simulator 2022 Screenshots