Hz. Who is Ali (R.a)?
Wise Words of Hazrat Ali.
Lecturer Words,
Hz. Lyrics about Ali Justice.
What Did Hazrat Ali Say?
Hz. Ali's Life.
Caliphate Period and Words.
Hz. Ali was born in 601 in Mecca. In the Arabian peninsula, his real name is Ali bin Abu Talib. Our Master the Prophet He is the son-in-law of Muhammad (S.A.V). Our Master the Prophet Among the first to believe in the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Ali (R.A). Hz. It is accepted that Ali (R.A) was born in the Kaaba. Hz. Ali (R.A) was nicknamed "Sultanu-l Evliya" and "Shah-i Velayet" in Mecca. Our Master the Prophet (S.A.V) chose his brother as "kerramallah-u veche". "Kerramallah-u Veche" means "May Allah repeat you on earth". Our Master the Prophet He is the son of the uncle of Muhammad (S.A.V). His father, Abu Talib, is the uncle of our master. His grandfather is Abdulmuttalip, who was also the grandfather of our master.
Hz. Ali (R.A) was assassinated in Kufa mosque and was martyred in 661.
Wise Words of Hazrat Ali.
Lecturer Words,
Hz. Lyrics about Ali Justice.
What Did Hazrat Ali Say?
Hz. Ali's Life.
Caliphate Period and Words.
Hz. Ali was born in 601 in Mecca. In the Arabian peninsula, his real name is Ali bin Abu Talib. Our Master the Prophet He is the son-in-law of Muhammad (S.A.V). Our Master the Prophet Among the first to believe in the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Ali (R.A). Hz. It is accepted that Ali (R.A) was born in the Kaaba. Hz. Ali (R.A) was nicknamed "Sultanu-l Evliya" and "Shah-i Velayet" in Mecca. Our Master the Prophet (S.A.V) chose his brother as "kerramallah-u veche". "Kerramallah-u Veche" means "May Allah repeat you on earth". Our Master the Prophet He is the son of the uncle of Muhammad (S.A.V). His father, Abu Talib, is the uncle of our master. His grandfather is Abdulmuttalip, who was also the grandfather of our master.
Hz. Ali (R.A) was assassinated in Kufa mosque and was martyred in 661.
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