Report Form Pro Nitro is the fastest reporting system yet. Based on the best selling home inspection software Report Form Pro 2. Report Form Pro Nitro allows home inspectors to create, edit, and share their reports on android phones & tablets. Unlike most other inspection software packages there are NO additional fees to use this software! Nitro users can write reports from start to finish without having to connect to the internet. The PDF report will be ready to deliver onsite. The reporting software is designed for home inspectors who want to deliver a professional, same day report to their clients onsite without having to connect to a pc or mac. Top features include: preloaded comments that can be customized, your business information and logo are auto entered on each new report, the ability to add unlimited photos for every checklist item in the report, and an edit feature which allows users to view the report and edit right on their phone or tablet. Voice to text feature also allows users to rapidly enter notes and custom report details. Photos can be entered directly by using your device camera or through your device library. The app includes a built in draw tool and arrow tool to highlight areas of photos. Reports can instantly be printed, emailed, or saved to the cloud. Users are provided with a professional pre-inspection agreement/client contract in an easy to edit format. For a sample report and instructional videos, check out our website:
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