How to make what you have learned your own self-directed learning
Self-directed learning that creates the power to study steadily every day
Habits of self-directed learning with Korean affairs completed in 30 minutes a day
[Efficient Korean Studies and Learning]
Perfect subject-linked learning made with the know-how of ice cream, the No. 1 textbook for elementary school qualification!
Prepare thoroughly for 30 minutes a day of Korean, private, and school classes and exams!
[Learning rich digital literacy]
Chinese characters, proverbs, history, even coding!
Build background knowledge and literacy through various special learning!
[Motivation to create self-directed habits]
As a cumulative ‘con’ reward that gradually grows as planned learning is completed consecutively,
Develop the habit of studying on your own!
Spend 30 minutes every day to complete your study habits.
Korean history study habits made in minimal time
Start with 30 Korean apples a day now.
You can apply for a free trial of 30 Korean apples a day on the website.
(Target for 30 days of Korean history: 3rd to 6th grade of elementary school)
Information on 30 Korean apples a day
>Customer Satisfaction Center Representative Number: 1544-0910
>Operating Hours: Weekdays 10:00 am - 10:00 pm / Saturdays 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
>If you leave an inquiry in a review, it may be difficult to confirm and answer accurately.
30 minutes a day will be gathered and become a habit, so the National Apology Division will do its best.
thank you 30 Korean apples a day.
Self-directed learning that creates the power to study steadily every day
Habits of self-directed learning with Korean affairs completed in 30 minutes a day
[Efficient Korean Studies and Learning]
Perfect subject-linked learning made with the know-how of ice cream, the No. 1 textbook for elementary school qualification!
Prepare thoroughly for 30 minutes a day of Korean, private, and school classes and exams!
[Learning rich digital literacy]
Chinese characters, proverbs, history, even coding!
Build background knowledge and literacy through various special learning!
[Motivation to create self-directed habits]
As a cumulative ‘con’ reward that gradually grows as planned learning is completed consecutively,
Develop the habit of studying on your own!
Spend 30 minutes every day to complete your study habits.
Korean history study habits made in minimal time
Start with 30 Korean apples a day now.
You can apply for a free trial of 30 Korean apples a day on the website.
(Target for 30 days of Korean history: 3rd to 6th grade of elementary school)
Information on 30 Korean apples a day
>Customer Satisfaction Center Representative Number: 1544-0910
>Operating Hours: Weekdays 10:00 am - 10:00 pm / Saturdays 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
>If you leave an inquiry in a review, it may be difficult to confirm and answer accurately.
30 minutes a day will be gathered and become a habit, so the National Apology Division will do its best.
thank you 30 Korean apples a day.
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