# App to learn English quickly, effectively free pocket travel guides for you to travel, study, work or learn English culture and country.
# The common form of communication in the daily life, according to the situations, circumstances and location specific topics.
# The app is suitable for everyone, from basic to advanced, communicating, vocabulary grammar or exam preparation of international certificates like Toeic, Toelf, Tofer.
# Recipes learn English fast, standard native accent, correct will give you a comprehensive view of what you have to learn English like.
# Main fuction
- Thousands of English sentences to communicate situational native, help you study, generalize grammatical structures and systems English characters.
- Train reflex English communication method most scientific: you speak English when she saw the Vietnamese, then the system will automatically record, compare your pronunciation with the pronunciation native to improve pronunciation increasingly accurate and faster.
- English Recording function, then pronounce the fast slow compared to native English pronunciation help you quickly improve your pronunciation.
- Manage, search, bookmark favorite sentence patterns for easy access, or review English lessons daily.
# The main topics
- Greet and introduce
- Frequent Daily Conversation
- Number of counting and order
- Time & date
- Instructions & location, ask for directions
- Traffic
- Place of residence, accommodation
- Go to restaurants, food, food
- Purchase price
- Color
- Region, landmarks
- The nations of the world
- Location famous tourist attraction
- Family
- Dating, love
- Emergency situation
- Sick
- Preparation voice with special phrases
- Special situation
- Parts of the human body
# Attention
- The application can be used offline, the download is finished, you can learn English anytime, anywhere, but to access useful features khacc, you should have an Internet connection
- The first time you practice speaking English will not be easy, you can practice holding your breath while speaking, this will gradually reduce the dependence on the nasal sound, and gradually increase the nature of your throat sounds. Besides, you can set the rhythm of breath or breathing 4 reverse to achieve the most complete melody.
^ _ ^ ^ _ ^ ***** ***** ^ _ ^
# App to learn English Quickly, efficiently, free, pocket travel guide for you khi traveling, studying, doing business or learning English culture.
# Common patterns of communication in everyday life, specific theo Situations, location and topics.
# The app is suitable for everyone, from basic to advanced, learning communication, grammar or vocabulary exam Preparation for international certificates.
# The secret to learning English Quickly, standard Pronunciation, will give you a view of how cần Comprehensive learn English.
# Main fuction
- Thousands of English Sentences That Communicate indigenously theo Situations, help you to study on Your Own, generalize the grammar structure and the system of English characters.
- Train English reflexes by the most scientific method: you speak English you see Vietnamese khi câu, then the system will automatically box record, compare with native Pronunciation Pronunciation của to Improve Pronunciation day more accurately and Quickly.
- The function of recording English, then pronouncing Quickly sánh with native Pronunciation Pronunciation Pronunciation helps you Improve your Quickly.
- Manage, search, bookmark favorite sentence patterns for easy access, review or daily English lessons.
# Main topics
- Welcome and introduction
- Daily conversation is common
- Number of counting and order
- Time & date
- Directions & locations, ask for directions
- Traffic
- Residence, accommodation
- Go to Anhg house, food, food
- Shopping, prices
- Color
- Regions and places
- Countries in the World
- Famous places Attract tourists
- Family
- Dating, love
- Emergency situation
- Sick
- Practice voice with a special sentence pattern
- Special situation
- Human body parts
# The common form of communication in the daily life, according to the situations, circumstances and location specific topics.
# The app is suitable for everyone, from basic to advanced, communicating, vocabulary grammar or exam preparation of international certificates like Toeic, Toelf, Tofer.
# Recipes learn English fast, standard native accent, correct will give you a comprehensive view of what you have to learn English like.
# Main fuction
- Thousands of English sentences to communicate situational native, help you study, generalize grammatical structures and systems English characters.
- Train reflex English communication method most scientific: you speak English when she saw the Vietnamese, then the system will automatically record, compare your pronunciation with the pronunciation native to improve pronunciation increasingly accurate and faster.
- English Recording function, then pronounce the fast slow compared to native English pronunciation help you quickly improve your pronunciation.
- Manage, search, bookmark favorite sentence patterns for easy access, or review English lessons daily.
# The main topics
- Greet and introduce
- Frequent Daily Conversation
- Number of counting and order
- Time & date
- Instructions & location, ask for directions
- Traffic
- Place of residence, accommodation
- Go to restaurants, food, food
- Purchase price
- Color
- Region, landmarks
- The nations of the world
- Location famous tourist attraction
- Family
- Dating, love
- Emergency situation
- Sick
- Preparation voice with special phrases
- Special situation
- Parts of the human body
# Attention
- The application can be used offline, the download is finished, you can learn English anytime, anywhere, but to access useful features khacc, you should have an Internet connection
- The first time you practice speaking English will not be easy, you can practice holding your breath while speaking, this will gradually reduce the dependence on the nasal sound, and gradually increase the nature of your throat sounds. Besides, you can set the rhythm of breath or breathing 4 reverse to achieve the most complete melody.
^ _ ^ ^ _ ^ ***** ***** ^ _ ^
# App to learn English Quickly, efficiently, free, pocket travel guide for you khi traveling, studying, doing business or learning English culture.
# Common patterns of communication in everyday life, specific theo Situations, location and topics.
# The app is suitable for everyone, from basic to advanced, learning communication, grammar or vocabulary exam Preparation for international certificates.
# The secret to learning English Quickly, standard Pronunciation, will give you a view of how cần Comprehensive learn English.
# Main fuction
- Thousands of English Sentences That Communicate indigenously theo Situations, help you to study on Your Own, generalize the grammar structure and the system of English characters.
- Train English reflexes by the most scientific method: you speak English you see Vietnamese khi câu, then the system will automatically box record, compare with native Pronunciation Pronunciation của to Improve Pronunciation day more accurately and Quickly.
- The function of recording English, then pronouncing Quickly sánh with native Pronunciation Pronunciation Pronunciation helps you Improve your Quickly.
- Manage, search, bookmark favorite sentence patterns for easy access, review or daily English lessons.
# Main topics
- Welcome and introduction
- Daily conversation is common
- Number of counting and order
- Time & date
- Directions & locations, ask for directions
- Traffic
- Residence, accommodation
- Go to Anhg house, food, food
- Shopping, prices
- Color
- Regions and places
- Countries in the World
- Famous places Attract tourists
- Family
- Dating, love
- Emergency situation
- Sick
- Practice voice with a special sentence pattern
- Special situation
- Human body parts
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