Namaz e Janaza is basic duty (Farz) or Farz-alalkifayah in Islam. Every Muslim should have to learn Namaz e Janaza step by step with accurate recitation of Prayers which we recite in Namaz-e-Janaza. In Namaz e Janaza ka Tariqa app we collect all Sahih ahadiths references with importance of Namaz e Janaza from ahadith Shareef (Sayings of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)) from SIHAH SITTA (Authentic six books of Ahadith Shareef). You will learn Namaz e Janaza ka Tariqa easily because we have mentioned all steps of Learn Namaz e Janaza with Urdu Translations and Audio recitation for perfect pronunciations of all Arabic prayers. Learn Namaz e Janaza step by step with Namaz e Janaza ka Tariqa (Funeral Prayer). We recite Sana (SUBHANA-KALLAH), Darood shareef (Darood e Ibrahimi) and Namaz e Janaza prayer in Namaz e Janaza.
You will be Learn following from Namaz e Janaza Masail app (Namaz e Janaza k Masail):
1. how to pray Namaz e Janaza
2. What are the basic duties (Farz) in Namaz e Janaza ( Namaz e Janaza k fraiz)
3. What are Sunnah in Namaz e Janaza (Namaz e Janaza ki Sunnatain)
4. How many TAKBEERS in Namaz e Janaza
5. What to recite in Namaz e Janaza
6. Which Prayer is to recite for Adult Muslim men and Muslim women ( Balig Mard aur Aurat ki Namaz e Janaza ki Dua)
7. Which prayer is to recite for adolescent boy (Na balig larkay ki Namaz e Janaza ki dua)
8. Which prayer recite for adolescent girl (Na balig larki ki Namaz e Janaza ki dua)
9. After which takbeer hands bound( Kis takbeer k bad Hath bandhain)
10. After which Takbeer hands open (Kis takbeer k bad hath kholay chorhne hain)
11. When to exit from Namaz e Janaza (Kab slam pherain)
There are four Imams or scholars of Islam 1- Imam Abu Hanifah 2- Imam Maalik 3- Imam Shafiee 4- Imam Ahmad Bin Hanbel. Learn Namaz e Janaza in Urdu app consists of Method of Salah or Namaz ka Tariqa with Imam Abu Hanifah’s teaching.
Namaz e Janaza ka Tariqa app is great perpetual charity (Sadqa e Jariah). So share this app with your friends and family members and make DUA for us.
12 Rabiul-awal Eid Miladun-Nabi(SAW) mubarak ho.
If you have any suggestions and or find any error or mistake in Arabic script, Urdu translation, voice speech or audio recitation in Learn Namaz e Janaza App then contact us via “” email address.
Your feedback is very important to us.
You will be Learn following from Namaz e Janaza Masail app (Namaz e Janaza k Masail):
1. how to pray Namaz e Janaza
2. What are the basic duties (Farz) in Namaz e Janaza ( Namaz e Janaza k fraiz)
3. What are Sunnah in Namaz e Janaza (Namaz e Janaza ki Sunnatain)
4. How many TAKBEERS in Namaz e Janaza
5. What to recite in Namaz e Janaza
6. Which Prayer is to recite for Adult Muslim men and Muslim women ( Balig Mard aur Aurat ki Namaz e Janaza ki Dua)
7. Which prayer is to recite for adolescent boy (Na balig larkay ki Namaz e Janaza ki dua)
8. Which prayer recite for adolescent girl (Na balig larki ki Namaz e Janaza ki dua)
9. After which takbeer hands bound( Kis takbeer k bad Hath bandhain)
10. After which Takbeer hands open (Kis takbeer k bad hath kholay chorhne hain)
11. When to exit from Namaz e Janaza (Kab slam pherain)
There are four Imams or scholars of Islam 1- Imam Abu Hanifah 2- Imam Maalik 3- Imam Shafiee 4- Imam Ahmad Bin Hanbel. Learn Namaz e Janaza in Urdu app consists of Method of Salah or Namaz ka Tariqa with Imam Abu Hanifah’s teaching.
Namaz e Janaza ka Tariqa app is great perpetual charity (Sadqa e Jariah). So share this app with your friends and family members and make DUA for us.
12 Rabiul-awal Eid Miladun-Nabi(SAW) mubarak ho.
If you have any suggestions and or find any error or mistake in Arabic script, Urdu translation, voice speech or audio recitation in Learn Namaz e Janaza App then contact us via “” email address.
Your feedback is very important to us.
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