With zCart application, you can build your own Multi-Vendor E-Commerce marketplace like Amazon, eBay, Esty. Very easy to set up with a friendly built-in installer.
Allow vendors/store owners to sell their products on your marketplace and charge them a monthly subscription fee + commissions%(optional) + per transaction fee(optional).
Demo Delivery Login:
email: delivery@demo.com
password: 123456
Key Features:
1. Registered Under seller: A delivery boy will be registered under a vendor/seller and can manage orders thats are assigned to him.
2. Order Delivery: The delivery boy can mark an order as delivered after delivery.
3. Connect to Customer and Vendor: The delivery boy will be able to contact to customer and also to the seller support if needed.
4. Collect Money: The delivery boy will collect money from customers and mark the order as paid.
5. Manage Account: Delivery boy will be able to manage his account from the app.
For details https://codecanyon.net/item/zcart-multivendor-ecommerce-platform/22751042
Allow vendors/store owners to sell their products on your marketplace and charge them a monthly subscription fee + commissions%(optional) + per transaction fee(optional).
Demo Delivery Login:
email: delivery@demo.com
password: 123456
Key Features:
1. Registered Under seller: A delivery boy will be registered under a vendor/seller and can manage orders thats are assigned to him.
2. Order Delivery: The delivery boy can mark an order as delivered after delivery.
3. Connect to Customer and Vendor: The delivery boy will be able to contact to customer and also to the seller support if needed.
4. Collect Money: The delivery boy will collect money from customers and mark the order as paid.
5. Manage Account: Delivery boy will be able to manage his account from the app.
For details https://codecanyon.net/item/zcart-multivendor-ecommerce-platform/22751042
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