TiBiKu was initiated by Care Cluster RSUD Ciracas. The Care Cluster itself is a Quality Assurance Group (GKM) established on March 31, 2016 to implement GKM (Quality Control Group - 8 Steps and 7 Tools) in solving problems and finding solutions so that innovations will arise that will increase Productivity, quality and service quality of RSUD Ciracas.
The Care Cluster consists of:
Chairman: dr. Aditya Galatama Purwadi, MARS
Secretary: Rut Agusta, Amd
1. Ns. Santi, S.Kep
2. Curiani Marbun, S.Hut
3. Lia Purwanti, S. Kom
4. M. Fachrul Astamar, ST
5. Veny Hidayanti, S.Pd
While the Facilitator of Cluster Care is dr. Dian Rahmawati who is the Head of Service Unit of IGD and Outpatient of RSUD Ciracas.
The Care Cluster consists of:
Chairman: dr. Aditya Galatama Purwadi, MARS
Secretary: Rut Agusta, Amd
1. Ns. Santi, S.Kep
2. Curiani Marbun, S.Hut
3. Lia Purwanti, S. Kom
4. M. Fachrul Astamar, ST
5. Veny Hidayanti, S.Pd
While the Facilitator of Cluster Care is dr. Dian Rahmawati who is the Head of Service Unit of IGD and Outpatient of RSUD Ciracas.
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