Background SAA
Subroto Angle Aid (SAA), an application that can be used to measure the angle of scoliosis curvature and rotation of the mounting fixation devices scoliosis of the spine by the Cobb method with the use of soft copy picture x ray is easy to use, fast, accurate and affordable.
This application was previously available in a version of the Personal Computer (PC) was built in 2005 and certified by the copyright of Kemenkumham. Android version of the application was built in 2016 and initiated also by Dr. dr. Rahyussalim, SpOT (K).
Excellence SAA
1. Easy to apply
2. Generate angle measurement of scoliosis curvature faster (real time)
3. Provide accurate results
4. In manufacturing affordable (Telemedicine), meaning there is limited distance so that people can apply and take measurements of the angle of curvature of scoliosis themselves anywhere and anytime as long as it has a soft copy of the photo x ray
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Subroto Angle Aid (SAA), an application that can be used to measure the angle of scoliosis curvature and rotation of the mounting fixation devices scoliosis of the spine by the Cobb method with the use of soft copy picture x ray is easy to use, fast, accurate and affordable.
This application was previously available in a version of the Personal Computer (PC) was built in 2005 and certified by the copyright of Kemenkumham. Android version of the application was built in 2016 and initiated also by Dr. dr. Rahyussalim, SpOT (K).
Excellence SAA
1. Easy to apply
2. Generate angle measurement of scoliosis curvature faster (real time)
3. Provide accurate results
4. In manufacturing affordable (Telemedicine), meaning there is limited distance so that people can apply and take measurements of the angle of curvature of scoliosis themselves anywhere and anytime as long as it has a soft copy of the photo x ray
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