To all the dear Jews, peace be upon you.
In this generation, due to the increasing number of break-ins everywhere and everywhere, the war with the instinct has become a great challenge.
A hard feeling strikes us that we have no savior and comfort. Our spiritual world has been destroyed.
Luckily, we developed with the help of Dashmia, a widget that aims to strengthen, help, and heal anyone who wants to win this war.
Whenever you feel that something stupid is coming into you .. Open the widget and use it in everything it offers.
In the widget you will find:
General Repair
Audio reading on the bed
Empowering sermons and lectures
Strengthening songs
The book 'I will return from the depths' by Rabbi Yehoshua Shapira Shlita for direct reading
A special discount for the book "The Passion of the Heart and Man" by Rabbi Eli Sheinfeld Shlita
And more.
We would like to thank
To indieDD Studios - for the development of the application
The 'strong in the network' from home take responsibility - for the help and advice
To Rabbi Eli Sheinfeld - for the support and help
To the Beit El Library - for the special discount code
And many more good ones - everyone is welcome.
There will be a desire for things to be in the public interest.
From me the little one, Elder Goldring, intelligence.
"A pure heart has God created for me, and a new right spirit within me"
In this generation, due to the increasing number of break-ins everywhere and everywhere, the war with the instinct has become a great challenge.
A hard feeling strikes us that we have no savior and comfort. Our spiritual world has been destroyed.
Luckily, we developed with the help of Dashmia, a widget that aims to strengthen, help, and heal anyone who wants to win this war.
Whenever you feel that something stupid is coming into you .. Open the widget and use it in everything it offers.
In the widget you will find:
General Repair
Audio reading on the bed
Empowering sermons and lectures
Strengthening songs
The book 'I will return from the depths' by Rabbi Yehoshua Shapira Shlita for direct reading
A special discount for the book "The Passion of the Heart and Man" by Rabbi Eli Sheinfeld Shlita
And more.
We would like to thank
To indieDD Studios - for the development of the application
The 'strong in the network' from home take responsibility - for the help and advice
To Rabbi Eli Sheinfeld - for the support and help
To the Beit El Library - for the special discount code
And many more good ones - everyone is welcome.
There will be a desire for things to be in the public interest.
From me the little one, Elder Goldring, intelligence.
"A pure heart has God created for me, and a new right spirit within me"
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