Album Top500 icon

Album Top500

100+ downloads

About Album Top500

Since 2005, Radio Veronica has been sending out an Album List (Top750 or Top1000) every year. In 2019 it became the Top500.
With this app you have all the information you need to follow the list.
View the history of the albums in the list, search by artist, title or year.
The information is clearly presented with many graphs.
Share the information via Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, etc.
In short, too many to mention.

Nice? Then also view our other apps:
* Veronica Album Top500
* Veronica Top100 of All Time
* Veronica Top1000 All Time
* Veronica Epic 80's Top500
* Arrow Rock500
* Arrow Symfo25
* Radio5 Evergreen Top1000
* Radio2 Top2000
* Studio Brussels Timeless100
* Eurovision 12 Points
* License plate App
* Klaverjas Score App

Album Top500 Screenshots