The KITAP application is the largest collection of books and audiobooks.
The appendix contains the masterpieces of Kazakh literature and the best works of world literature.
The main advantage of downloading the Kitap app is that you can read and listen to audiobooks anytime, anywhere.
The genre of the books is different, the topic is numerous. Do you enjoy reading classics or are you interested in world bestsellers? Are you interested in non-fiction or do you read more business-oriented books? Maybe you are interested in psychology? Or, are you looking for a selection of works for children? You will find all this in our application.
If listening is more convenient than reading, we have audiobooks. You can listen to your favorite song with the voice of professional announcers.
Kitap application can be a reliable companion and useful assistant if you want to spend your time efficiently while going for a walk, traveling or just waiting in line.
Abai's poems and Black words, poems and translations, novels and stories of Mukhtar Auezov, the best works of Beimbet Mailin and Zhusipbek Aimautov are just a part of the treasure in the appendix. You can not only read and listen to the world bestseller - "7 Skills of Creative People", "Sapiens: A Brief History of Humanity" and "Anne Frank's Diary", "Magic" in Kazakh.
In addition, you can collect your favorite book on the shelf. You can also download books and send them to your friends.
Books and audiobooks are collected in the following genres:
• Artistic works
• Historical works
• Scientific literature
• Personal development
• Business literature
• Publicistics
• Romance
• Psychology
• Business
• Fairy tales and more.
What does downloading the Kitap app get me?
The Kitap application allows you to read and listen to the audio version online or download the books that are being read and discussed around the world.
What makes Kitap different from other applications?
• A large stock of books and audio books;
• Ability to read/listen to a part of the book before buying it;
• Creating a personal library;
• Download books;
• Continue the work you are reading or listening to where you left off;
• Place a bookmark in the desired part of the work;
• Move audio forward and backward, easily switch sections;
• Select audio playback speed;
• Showing the read/listened part of the book as a percentage;
• You can express your opinion about the book, participate in the discussion and rate it.
Are there works for children in Kitap application?
Certainly! There is a lot of children's literature in the appendix. There are more than 400 types of a single fairy tale. And the fund is constantly replenished. In the appendix, an audio version of all the works in the school program has been created.
Can I download audiobooks?
Yes, you can download the book of your choice. Loaded books are collected on the shelf.
The appendix contains the masterpieces of Kazakh literature and the best works of world literature.
The main advantage of downloading the Kitap app is that you can read and listen to audiobooks anytime, anywhere.
The genre of the books is different, the topic is numerous. Do you enjoy reading classics or are you interested in world bestsellers? Are you interested in non-fiction or do you read more business-oriented books? Maybe you are interested in psychology? Or, are you looking for a selection of works for children? You will find all this in our application.
If listening is more convenient than reading, we have audiobooks. You can listen to your favorite song with the voice of professional announcers.
Kitap application can be a reliable companion and useful assistant if you want to spend your time efficiently while going for a walk, traveling or just waiting in line.
Abai's poems and Black words, poems and translations, novels and stories of Mukhtar Auezov, the best works of Beimbet Mailin and Zhusipbek Aimautov are just a part of the treasure in the appendix. You can not only read and listen to the world bestseller - "7 Skills of Creative People", "Sapiens: A Brief History of Humanity" and "Anne Frank's Diary", "Magic" in Kazakh.
In addition, you can collect your favorite book on the shelf. You can also download books and send them to your friends.
Books and audiobooks are collected in the following genres:
• Artistic works
• Historical works
• Scientific literature
• Personal development
• Business literature
• Publicistics
• Romance
• Psychology
• Business
• Fairy tales and more.
What does downloading the Kitap app get me?
The Kitap application allows you to read and listen to the audio version online or download the books that are being read and discussed around the world.
What makes Kitap different from other applications?
• A large stock of books and audio books;
• Ability to read/listen to a part of the book before buying it;
• Creating a personal library;
• Download books;
• Continue the work you are reading or listening to where you left off;
• Place a bookmark in the desired part of the work;
• Move audio forward and backward, easily switch sections;
• Select audio playback speed;
• Showing the read/listened part of the book as a percentage;
• You can express your opinion about the book, participate in the discussion and rate it.
Are there works for children in Kitap application?
Certainly! There is a lot of children's literature in the appendix. There are more than 400 types of a single fairy tale. And the fund is constantly replenished. In the appendix, an audio version of all the works in the school program has been created.
Can I download audiobooks?
Yes, you can download the book of your choice. Loaded books are collected on the shelf.
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