The book Manaqib JAWAHIRUL MAANI is manaqib (a biography that tells the story of Sulthonul Auliya Syech Abdul Qodir Al Jilani (some call Al Jaelani). Starting from his birth, his journey to study, his karomah-karamah until his death.
- Text and Mp3
- Manaqib playlist
- Dark Mode
- Bright Mode
- Attractive appearance
- Manaqib 1 to 10
- Manaqib prayer
- Ibadalloh
- Yes, arhamarrohimin
The book of Manaqib was compiled by a scholar, the late Almagfurillah KH. Ahmad Jauhari Umar.
He used to be the leader of the Darus Salam Islamic Boarding School, Pasuruan, East Java.
KH. Ahmad Jauhari Umar teaches and certifies this manaqib to his students.
It was from his students that this manaqib finally spread throughout the archipelago, perhaps even to neighboring countries as well.
Hopefully this application can bring benefits and blessings for us all
- Text and Mp3
- Manaqib playlist
- Dark Mode
- Bright Mode
- Attractive appearance
- Manaqib 1 to 10
- Manaqib prayer
- Ibadalloh
- Yes, arhamarrohimin
The book of Manaqib was compiled by a scholar, the late Almagfurillah KH. Ahmad Jauhari Umar.
He used to be the leader of the Darus Salam Islamic Boarding School, Pasuruan, East Java.
KH. Ahmad Jauhari Umar teaches and certifies this manaqib to his students.
It was from his students that this manaqib finally spread throughout the archipelago, perhaps even to neighboring countries as well.
Hopefully this application can bring benefits and blessings for us all
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