Yasin Fadilah is an application that contains Yasin Fadilah readings which can be downloaded for free. In this application there are also Prayers, Rotibul Haddad, Rotibul Attos, Hizb An Nawawi and Hizb Sakroni.
It is called Yasin Fadilah because in certain verses it is read repeatedly, it is also inserted by reading sholawat and certain prayers other than the Al Quran. As for the additional sholawat readings and prayers referred to in connection with the previous verse.
The existence of inserts of sholawat and prayers inserted in Yasin Fadilah does not mean adding or mixing up verses of the Qur'an with other sentences because the writing is given pauses so as not to raise suspicions that these inserts belong to the Qur'an , just like the interpretation of Al-Ibriz written by KH Bisyri Mustofa Rembang, where among the verses of the Qur'an there is a gandul translation in Javanese pegon.
Indeed, if the writings are mixed without pause, then the law is makruh, because it will raise suspicions that these prayers and prayers include verses or letters of the Al-Qur'an
✔ The priority of Yasin Fadilah
There are some scholars who say that one of the properties of Surah Yasin is that it is never read in a difficult matter, but that Allah will make it easy for it.
Reading Yasin fadilah for a wish can be practiced 3x, 7x, and 41x. This practice is one of the riyadhah or methods of carrying out spiritual practices to get closer to Allah SWT through the wasilah of the Koran, namely Surah Yasin.
It is called Yasin Fadilah because in certain verses it is read repeatedly, it is also inserted by reading sholawat and certain prayers other than the Al Quran. As for the additional sholawat readings and prayers referred to in connection with the previous verse.
The existence of inserts of sholawat and prayers inserted in Yasin Fadilah does not mean adding or mixing up verses of the Qur'an with other sentences because the writing is given pauses so as not to raise suspicions that these inserts belong to the Qur'an , just like the interpretation of Al-Ibriz written by KH Bisyri Mustofa Rembang, where among the verses of the Qur'an there is a gandul translation in Javanese pegon.
Indeed, if the writings are mixed without pause, then the law is makruh, because it will raise suspicions that these prayers and prayers include verses or letters of the Al-Qur'an
✔ The priority of Yasin Fadilah
There are some scholars who say that one of the properties of Surah Yasin is that it is never read in a difficult matter, but that Allah will make it easy for it.
Reading Yasin fadilah for a wish can be practiced 3x, 7x, and 41x. This practice is one of the riyadhah or methods of carrying out spiritual practices to get closer to Allah SWT through the wasilah of the Koran, namely Surah Yasin.
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