Welcome to Ixammr - The most trusted exam preparation app for competitive exams. Ixammr App is a FREE online Sarkari Exams preparation App, which assists you to prepare for Government Jobs Examination and Entrance Exam like IBPS PO, SBI PO, SBI Clerk, RBI Grade B, NABARD Grade A/B, SEBI Grade A, SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, CPO, MTS, Steno, RRB NTPC, RRB GROUP D, RRB JE, UPSC, Defence Exams, State PCS, and other state level exams.
Who we are? Ixammr is a part of Let’s Study Together (LST). LST is India's leading exam preparation destination, loved by millions of aspirants across the country. Through our portal, we help students to prepare actively for various exams like Banking & Insurance, SSC, Railways, UPSC, and State Level Exams to prepare better.
Download Ixammr app to prepare for 100+ Exams with Free mock test papers, daily current affairs & Daily GK. Also get previous year solved papers, unlimited practice questions, daily quizzes, doubt solutions exam notifications & much more. We aim at providing the best learning environment with an end-to-end preparation model. We’ve introduced live coaching, free mock tests, and personalized doubts sessions, E-Books, Sectional Mock Tests, and PDF Notes. We provide complete study material for the following exams-
• Bank & Insurance Exam Preparation App
• Regulatory Body Exams: RBI Grade B, SEBI, IRDAI, NABARD
• UPSC & State Services Exam Preparation App
• Defence Exam Preparation App
• Government Job, Railway, SSC Exam Preparation App
Important Sections:
1. Daily GK Update: Ixammr.com keeps you updated for current affairs & provides you a summary of Daily GK updates, quizzes, and Current Affair questions for Bank PO, IBPS, SBI, RBI, NABARD, SEBI, RRB Railway, SSC CGL, UPSC. State Level Exams, & other Govt Exams.
2. Free Mock Test Series & E-Books (PDF): Ixammr.com app provides the best study material in the form of Mock tests, Sectional Mock Tests and Monthly Free PDFs, Topic-Wise PDFs, Static GK Notes & PDFs, and many more.
3. Quizzes/Question Bank: The Ixammr App contains time-bound quizzes of Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning, English, Banking, Current Affairs, Computer Knowledge, General Studies & Other sections.
4. Exam Preparation Study Materials: Ixammr provides Bank PO, IBPS, SBI, RBI, RRB Railway, SSC CGL, UPSC & other Govt Exams Previous Year question papers, Cut off & exam pattern, Complete study material, and more.
5. Doubt: You can now post your doubt related to all exams which will be answered by our content team, expert faculties, and Ixammr family.
For more info, visit https://www.letsstudytogether.co/ and Ixammr App is free to download so you can also download our android app from the play store “Ixammr: Exam Preparation App”
Please feel free to give your feedback on the App. We will try our best to make it better and more useful to you as per your feedback. You can share your comments and feedback about this app by writing to us at support@ixammr.com
Note: we do not represent any government officials/entities. We may use govt/private bank emblems inside the app to represent the recruitment examinations of the Boards for a better understanding of students. Names, logos, and images are copyright of their respective owners and they are used in this app just for identification and educational purpose only and have been collected from different internet sources. Trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners.
Who we are? Ixammr is a part of Let’s Study Together (LST). LST is India's leading exam preparation destination, loved by millions of aspirants across the country. Through our portal, we help students to prepare actively for various exams like Banking & Insurance, SSC, Railways, UPSC, and State Level Exams to prepare better.
Download Ixammr app to prepare for 100+ Exams with Free mock test papers, daily current affairs & Daily GK. Also get previous year solved papers, unlimited practice questions, daily quizzes, doubt solutions exam notifications & much more. We aim at providing the best learning environment with an end-to-end preparation model. We’ve introduced live coaching, free mock tests, and personalized doubts sessions, E-Books, Sectional Mock Tests, and PDF Notes. We provide complete study material for the following exams-
• Bank & Insurance Exam Preparation App
• Regulatory Body Exams: RBI Grade B, SEBI, IRDAI, NABARD
• UPSC & State Services Exam Preparation App
• Defence Exam Preparation App
• Government Job, Railway, SSC Exam Preparation App
Important Sections:
1. Daily GK Update: Ixammr.com keeps you updated for current affairs & provides you a summary of Daily GK updates, quizzes, and Current Affair questions for Bank PO, IBPS, SBI, RBI, NABARD, SEBI, RRB Railway, SSC CGL, UPSC. State Level Exams, & other Govt Exams.
2. Free Mock Test Series & E-Books (PDF): Ixammr.com app provides the best study material in the form of Mock tests, Sectional Mock Tests and Monthly Free PDFs, Topic-Wise PDFs, Static GK Notes & PDFs, and many more.
3. Quizzes/Question Bank: The Ixammr App contains time-bound quizzes of Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning, English, Banking, Current Affairs, Computer Knowledge, General Studies & Other sections.
4. Exam Preparation Study Materials: Ixammr provides Bank PO, IBPS, SBI, RBI, RRB Railway, SSC CGL, UPSC & other Govt Exams Previous Year question papers, Cut off & exam pattern, Complete study material, and more.
5. Doubt: You can now post your doubt related to all exams which will be answered by our content team, expert faculties, and Ixammr family.
For more info, visit https://www.letsstudytogether.co/ and Ixammr App is free to download so you can also download our android app from the play store “Ixammr: Exam Preparation App”
Please feel free to give your feedback on the App. We will try our best to make it better and more useful to you as per your feedback. You can share your comments and feedback about this app by writing to us at support@ixammr.com
Note: we do not represent any government officials/entities. We may use govt/private bank emblems inside the app to represent the recruitment examinations of the Boards for a better understanding of students. Names, logos, and images are copyright of their respective owners and they are used in this app just for identification and educational purpose only and have been collected from different internet sources. Trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners.
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