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Jejak Rasulullah

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About Jejak Rasulullah

TRACES RASULULLAH specially designed for you who want to know more closely with the Prophet Muhammad with the delivery of short and simple so Inshallah easy to understand, and it is expected that we can Loving the Messenger of Allaah alaihi wassallam based on the hadith:

"It is not (perfect) faith one of you that he loves me more than his parents, children and all mankind." (HR. Bukhari I / 14, no.15, and Muslim I / 167 no.44)

Love the Prophet, what shape? Just praised in berabagai opportunity, as every day of his birth? Just read salawat him? Honest love will move the entire human dimension to do something as its reflection.

True lovers of the Apostle when heard the Messenger of Allaah alaihi wassallam ordered something will soon fulfilled. He will not leave even though it was contrary to the wishes and his desires. He also would not put the devotion to his wife, children, parents or customs of his people. For the love of the Messenger of Allaah alaihi wassallam more than anything else. And indeed, the true lovers will stick to his beloved.

As for those that are easily violated and left orders Messenger of Allaah alaihi wassallam and hit various kemungkaran then basically he is much more to love herself. So we see easily he left the five daily prayers, when the Messenger of Allaah alaihi wassallam highly exalt prayer case, until he diwasiatkan in the final seconds of the killer's door. And the people of this kind, will also perform various prohibitions light of other religions. Na'udzubillah min dzalik.


Book Sirah Nabawiyah work Shafiyurrahman Shaykh al-Mubarakfury
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