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Gospel Messenger Ultra

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About Gospel Messenger Ultra

Gospel Messenger Ultra brings you hundreds of anointed texts and video articles of God's Word that reveals the love of God to humanity through Jesus Christ.

Enjoy Multi-version bible on your phone, compare several versions of the Bible easily for better understanding.

Enjoy Bible verses translation to Over 105 languages easily

Stream or Download pure Gospel audio Teachings and be edified.

Listen to live broadcast on the Gospel Television and enjoy Christian contents from popular ministers of the Gospel.

Listen to christian songs on the live Gospel Radio straight from the App

Read Daily Devotionals about the Word of God and grow, and be edified for the day as a Christian.

Join the Christian community and make friends. Chat with other Christians on the App. You can share ,like, comment on posts easily. You can also send friend request and messages to our App users.

It meets several categories of lifestyle such as health, fellowship with the Holy Spirit, Bible Studies, Love and relationship, Finances and prosperity, Divine healing and supernatural health, from anywhere at anytime.