The best rated dream interpretation ★ (4,5) ★!
Top 1 in books and references.
With the Meaning of Dreams app, you can:
- interpret your dreams
- find the meaning of your dream
- store your favorite dreams
- write dream diaries
- keep all your dreams
Dream interpretation is not an uncontroversial topic. The dream interpretation or onirology tries to interpret the feelings, images and actions experienced in the dream. Since there is no agreement on the role of the dream in scientific dream research, the interpretation and meaning of the dream content is controversial.
Very important for the interpretation of dreams are the symbols of dreams, that is, things that you dream about or that appear in one or recurring dreams. For the interpretation of the dream, but not only the real symbols of the dream are relevant. Also very important is the person himself, eg.
- sex and age
- the life situation
- Experiences, feelings and thoughts from the previous day
- feelings and thoughts in the dream
- feelings and thoughts after waking up
Regardless of personal circumstances, the interpretation of dreams is very difficult and superficial. The same applies to the meaning of the tram symbols. The more than 9,000 dream symbols described in this lexicon, therefore, can only be interpreted in a general way. Some interpretations fit a dream relatively well, others much less. This must be taken into account when interpreting the dream.
Top 1 in books and references.
With the Meaning of Dreams app, you can:
- interpret your dreams
- find the meaning of your dream
- store your favorite dreams
- write dream diaries
- keep all your dreams
Dream interpretation is not an uncontroversial topic. The dream interpretation or onirology tries to interpret the feelings, images and actions experienced in the dream. Since there is no agreement on the role of the dream in scientific dream research, the interpretation and meaning of the dream content is controversial.
Very important for the interpretation of dreams are the symbols of dreams, that is, things that you dream about or that appear in one or recurring dreams. For the interpretation of the dream, but not only the real symbols of the dream are relevant. Also very important is the person himself, eg.
- sex and age
- the life situation
- Experiences, feelings and thoughts from the previous day
- feelings and thoughts in the dream
- feelings and thoughts after waking up
Regardless of personal circumstances, the interpretation of dreams is very difficult and superficial. The same applies to the meaning of the tram symbols. The more than 9,000 dream symbols described in this lexicon, therefore, can only be interpreted in a general way. Some interpretations fit a dream relatively well, others much less. This must be taken into account when interpreting the dream.
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