The Hanuman Chalisa (literally Forty chaupais on Hanuman) is a Hindu devotional hymn (stotra) addressed to Hanuman. It is traditionally believed to have been authored by 16th-century poet Tulsidas in the Awadhi language, and is his best known text apart from the Ramcharitmanas. The word "chālīsā" is derived from "chālīs", which means the number forty in Hindi, as the Hanuman Chalisa has 40 verses (excluding the couplets at the beginning and at the end).Hanuman Chalisa is a devotional hymn dedicated to Lord Hanuman.
* No internet connections required
* Read on the go
* Top in Kannada book category
* Free to to download and read songs
* Hanuman Chalisa App is a free Kannada god songs app
* No requirement of Kannada keyboard
* Let us know if you want us to add any feature like adding a reminder to your kannada calendar
This Kannada App let's you read through the Hanuman Chalisa
You could suggest more Stotras to be added to the Kannada app.
* No internet connections required
* Read on the go
* Top in Kannada book category
* Free to to download and read songs
* Hanuman Chalisa App is a free Kannada god songs app
* No requirement of Kannada keyboard
* Let us know if you want us to add any feature like adding a reminder to your kannada calendar
This Kannada App let's you read through the Hanuman Chalisa
You could suggest more Stotras to be added to the Kannada app.
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